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1960 ➤ 1980

1960 ➤ 1980

Projects and activities commenced 1960 ➤ 1980

➤         Planning & construction of 6,000 residential units with amenities / Middle East
➤         Construction of 150 km of overhead electric cabling / Middle East
➤         Supply of 36 million USD roadbuilding equipment / Middle East
➤         Planning & project overview construction of grain silo terminals / Middle East
➤         Establishing training academy for tracked vehicle maintenance / Middle East
➤         Implementing National Curriculum for secondary-schools / Middle East
➤         Joint-venture manufacturing plant for camouflage nets / San Francisco, USA
➤         Manufacture of chemicals for construction industry / Middle East
➤         Assembly plant for pre-fabricated buildings imported from Holland
➤         Manufacturing plant for production of aluminum windows / Middle East
➤         Manufacturing plant for doors, cupboards and kitchen cabinets / Middle East
➤         Planning and construction for a 5-Hob Microwave Link / Middle East
➤         Planning and project overview for a 56-Hob Microwave project / Middle East
➤         Implementing various small and mid-sized telecommunications projects / Middle East