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Group history

Over 50 years of experience

Group history

Our group activities commenced in the early 1960’s with a variety of engineering projects for the supply of electric power. A major early contract was the planning and construction of 150km of overhead electric cabling for a major city. We also began to trade in plant machinery for the construction industry. Securing an order for the supply of 36 million USD of roadbuilding equipment in the Middle East led to rapid growth and diversification of our activities.

Within a short period our activities included major turnkey development projects such as the construction of highways, tunnels, bridges, harbours and grain silo terminals. A landmark project involved the planning and construction of a complete town with 6,000 residential units and all ancillary facilities and amenities for a national steel company.

GID International Limited was established to represent and develop markets in the Middle East for a number of European companies. A joint venture was also established at this time with Canada for the construction and operation of a chemical mixing plant for the supply of additives to oil refineries.

With a growing requirement for industrial training schemes throughout the region, we developed numerous educational and vocational programmes for both the public and private sectors, including award-winning programs for correctional institutes and a national curriculum for secondary schools on behalf of an Education Ministry.

GID was one of the earliest entrants to the Former Soviet Union, providing our expertise for the upgrading and modernisation of steel mills and other major industrial projects. Having previously represented General Motors in the Middle East, we entered an exclusive distributership agreement with GM for Russia, and operations including dealerships commenced in 1990 through our affiliate company Trinity Motors.

In partnership with Western technology holders and our affiliate companies, GID has initiated and implemented numerous groundbreaking projects. This has given us exceptional operational expertise across a broad spectrum of industries, including the automotive sectors, construction, marine services, finance and investment, telecommunications, oil and gas.